special guest programs

Dr Keshav Ananda Das’s Omaha visit and Vedic Knowledge lecture series (from Oct 15th to Oct 22nd)

Hare Krishna!


We are fortunate to have visit from Dr Keshav Ananda Das, a well known scholar, a celibate monk, speaker, devotee, writer, leader and preacher from India. He is on three month tour in USA and is visiting Omaha from October 15th to October 22nd, during auspicious nava rathri time. This is a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity for us to hear first hand from a person who is not only a Sanksrit scholar but a strict follower of vedic principles and clarify many concepts relating to our great vedic culture. You can’t afford to miss this!


All are welcome. Please attend with your family and friends. We encourage young students (over five years) also to come and hear about our culture so they might carry on our precious culture into the future.


RSVP not required, but greatly encouraged. This would help us to estimate the number of devotees attending and arrange prasadam sufficiently. Call the number as listed in the corresponding program.


Generally, the program would consists of 15-20 minutes kirtan, one hour lecture, questions and discussion and prasadam (lunch/dinner). All the programs would start on time to respect everyone’s time. Please plan on coming little early.


The home program schedules are:


1) October 16th Friday 6:30 PM – 9 PM


Topic:  Entire Gita Summarized (in a logical and scientific way)


Contact: Rajeshwar


Breckenridge Apartments

15908 Bancroft Ct. Apt 1028, Omaha, NE 68130

Home no. 402 210 2678

Cell: 402 541 4325





2) October 17th Saturday 6PM – 9 PM


Topic: Devotion: The Need, Not the Goal


Contact: Ganesh


3610 Armburst Drive

Omaha NE 68124

Home: 402-504-1918




3) October 18th Sunday 11 AM -1 PM 


Topic: Your Smartphone, our Gita


Contact: Ranga


5714 S 165th st

Omaha NE 68135

Home: 402-321-5326



4) October 18th Sunday 6PM- 9PM


Topic: The Untold Secrets of Ramayana


Contact: Bhaskar


16863 Erskine St

Omaha NE 68116

Cell: 402-214-8243



5)October 19th Monday 7 PM – 9 PM


Topic: Srila Prabhupada Books -Simple yet Deep!


Contact: Ramesh


14469 Sahler Plaza
# 202, Omaha NE – 68116.
Ph : 402-505-6831




6)October 20th Tuesday 6:30 PM9PM


Topic: Srila Prabhupada Books -Simple yet Deep!


Contact: Pandian


15226, Wycliffe Drive, Apt 34

Omaha , NE-68154

Cell 402-203-0972

Home 402-614-8766





About Dr Keshav Ananda Prabhu:



Dr. Keshav Anand Das graduated in the year 1999 as a medical doctor from India. He then took training under a British-born spiritual saint His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami of the Hare Krishna movement and chose to live a life of a monk. He took to serious study of Sanskrit under various scholars, and also spent many years studying science, both modern and Vedic. Now since the last twenty years, he has been conducting seminars and lectures in various colleges and universities in India as well as abroad on various themes such as The Vedic Perspective of the World, Science locked in the Ancient Sanskrit Texts, ‘Science, Philosophy, and Religion,’ ‘Science and God’, and many others.

Besides Sanskrit He is also proficient in Hindi, Bengali, and Gujarati and has therefore researched many spiritual works available in these languages. He is an inspiring speaker. A prolific writer. And has published books both in Hindi and English. Some of his books in English are The Cheaters and the Cheated, Secrets of Yoga, Mighty Efforts, Crazy Ideas, and Science Fails to Explain life.

After many years of labor, he has initiated a project ‘Vedic Revival College and Research Centre,’ which offers courses to train students in the Vedic sciences, spirituality, yoga, morals, and basic material skills required to live a healthy and spiritual life. 


His lectures:


His projects:








If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please let me know.


Your servant

Bhaskarananda Dasa

Cell: (402)214-8243
